I'm not a makeup expert, but I've tried a lot of products over the years and I have my favorites that I keep coming back to. I'd like to show you three of them. They do their job well, you don't have to dig deep into your wallet to affort them and you can find them in almost every drugstore.
I've been buying Rimmel Lasting Finish liquid makeup for about CZK 200 for years and it's my favorite one. :) A lot of women love it so that's another confirmation that it's not just my impression. It's easy to work with, has good coverage (not too little, not too much), do not dry skin out, do not sink into pores, and lasts a long time... up to 25 hours they say, I wouldn't really believe that, but I haven't tested it, lol.
For dark circles under eyes, I like to use the Catrice Liquid Camouflage concealer. Concealers for the specific delicate and thin skin around eyes sometimes do more harm than good - I know something about that. :) I was so excited when I discovered this cheap but great product. For the price of CZK 90, it covers very well and adapts to skin and fine wrinkles on it.
And the British brand from Regent Street, London once again, this time its Rimmel Stay Matte powder. I definitely need matting products, I rarely do make-up without final powdering. :) Sometimes the problem with powders is that they turn your face into a mask. In this case it does not apply, Rimmel powder is very decent and discreet. The only complaint I have is the plastic lid which always breaks too fast. It would require a better quality... but then the product wouldn't cost around CZK 50, who knows...
And what are your budget-fiendly cosmetic favorites? Let me
know in the comments below.
Já se líčím velmi úsporně (jen oči a rtěnka) a žádné extra oblíbence nemám. Spokojená jsem teď byla s tekutou rtěnkou L´Oreal
OdpovědětVymazatElo, s těmhle kousky zkušenost nemám, ale dcera myslím používá stejný make-up. Já jsem hodně věrná tuhému pudru Luxe od Avonu.
OdpovědětVymazatMěj příjemné podzimní dny, Helena
Stejný korektor i pudr jsem doteď používala taky několik let, ale zkouším momentálně korektor od Essence, který se mi začal líbit víc. Má oproti tomu od Catrice i jemně vanilkovou parfemaci, takže je fakt příjemný a zřejmě u něj nějakou dobu zůstanu. :) A ten pudr se dá prosím sehnat kde za tuto cenu? Já ho vždycky kupovala nejmíň za 160 Kč. :D
OdpovědětVymazatHmmm, vanilková vůně, to zní dobře. :)
VymazatPudr - podívej se třeba na e-shop Elnino (za cca 50,-) nebo Notino (lehce přes 50,-).
Stay matte pudr od Rimmel je stálice, která nesmí chybět. :) Neznám snad lepší pudr, ale i jejich make-upy vůbec nejsou špatné. :)
OdpovědětVymazatTo jsem ráda, že to vidíš stejně. :)