Nejlepší nákupy jsou ty neplánované, ať mi nikdo netvrdí opak. Včera mě Picaro vytáhl do obchodů, abych mu pomohla s výběrem nových džínsů. A jak to dopadlo? No jasně, on nemá nic, zato já se raduju z nové sukně. Přesně takové, po které jsem pátrala na internetu a všude byla vyprodaná. Lucky me!
The best shopping is the unexpected one, right? Yesterday I went to shop with Picaro who was looking for a new pair of jeans. The outcome? He bought nothing at all and I've got a new skirt. The one you can see in the picture. I was searching for it on-line for a long time but it was sold out everywhere. Finally I was lucky!
Foto: www.romwe.com
The best shopping is the unexpected one, right? Yesterday I went to shop with Picaro who was looking for a new pair of jeans. The outcome? He bought nothing at all and I've got a new skirt. The one you can see in the picture. I was searching for it on-line for a long time but it was sold out everywhere. Finally I was lucky!
Foto: www.romwe.com
Amazing blog! Would you like to follow each other? ;X
Thanks, Ioana...