Po růžových vlasech jsem nikdy netoužila, ač se mi na ostatních líbily... Tak co se stalo? Řekla bych, že na tom má velkou zásluhu Londýn, město, ve kterém právě žiju. Jeho otevřenost a diverzita mě fascinuje každý den. ❤ Ve srovnání s Prahou je mnohem tolerantnější a je to vidět hlavně na jeho obyvatelích. Londýn mi dodává neuvěřitelnou chuť zkoušet nové věci. Ale než si nechám vlasy obarvit permanentní barvou, sáhla jsem nejdřív po spreji, který tu v drogerii koupíte za pár liber. Sice vám kromě vlasů obarví i oblečení, prsty atd., ale je to s ním zábava! A když vás přestane růžová bavit, prostě si umyjete vlasy a barva je pryč...
A co vy? Líbí se vám pastelové barvy na vlasech? Šli byste do nich?
I didn't really feel desire for pink hair... So what happened? I'd say it's because I live in London now. The openness and diversity of this city is fascinating to me. ❤ Compared to Prague, London is more tolerant and you can see it all around. London gives me incredible courage to try new things in my life and in my style. Before I will color my hair with permanent pink color, I wanted to try an instant color hairspray. You can buy it for few pounds here. It may color not only your hair, but your clothes, fingers etc. as well, but I've to say: It's a lot of fun! When you eventually get bored with pink, you just wash your hair and the crazy color is gone...
A co vy? Líbí se vám pastelové barvy na vlasech? Šli byste do nich?
I didn't really feel desire for pink hair... So what happened? I'd say it's because I live in London now. The openness and diversity of this city is fascinating to me. ❤ Compared to Prague, London is more tolerant and you can see it all around. London gives me incredible courage to try new things in my life and in my style. Before I will color my hair with permanent pink color, I wanted to try an instant color hairspray. You can buy it for few pounds here. It may color not only your hair, but your clothes, fingers etc. as well, but I've to say: It's a lot of fun! When you eventually get bored with pink, you just wash your hair and the crazy color is gone...
What do you think about it? Do you like pastel color hair? Would you try it?
Foto: Ela
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